Chilli Success

Previous attempts at horticulture, growing or nurturing plants, have been less than successful (drastic understatement), but back in April I purchased 5 miniature lavender plants and a packet of chilli pepper seeds.

Three of the five lavender have survived – so far – and I was pleased to read that they ‘thrive upon neglect’. However, surviving the attention of neighbourhood cats is a different matter altogether.

Back to the peppers

seedling pots

I was determined that at least one pepper would result from my endeavours (this is someone who has managed to kill cacti, despite best endeavours), so I planted all the seeds – 1 to 3 in the seedling pots. And the waiting began.

A few weeks later…

chillies sprouting
April 20th 2024
sprouting chillies
April 29th 2024

Shoots in all but one pot!!! I was amazed.

On to the end of August and the main bunch of plants looked like this…Watched over by Gerald the Gnome

chilli peppers

Then, suddenly, we spotted a couple of peppers!! Then a couple more. They were green, and people were almost insisting they would stay green and not, as it said on the packet, turn a lovely red.

Then it happened…a couple started to turn red and quickly became totally red. A ceremonial clipping took place and the first chilli was washed and then eaten!

There are now loads more peppers sprouting and all shapes and sizes and some turning red. To get one pepper was my first objective and I am very pleased to say it was successfully achieved.

The peppers were quoted at 50,000 scovilles, which is apparently ‘mild’. It did have a bit of bite as far as I was concerned, although others dived straight for the milk!!! The second red chilli went into a salsa…luvverly jubberly.