Drummers a-Drumming

Drumming is an integral part of wrestling contests in West Africa, particularly in Senegal and The Gambia, where many events take place on or next to the beach.

West African drummers

It certainly does add to the general atmosphere at these, and other, events and the drummers always seem to be happy and smiling.

West African drummers at wrestling match

Let’s face it, I think the drummers just love drumming so any event, organised or not, will see them strutting their stuff. Round an open fire, on the beach or at a BBQ, you are never far from the sound of drums.

West African drummers, BBQ

This was at a BBQ round an open fire with a bush pig being the delicacy of the day.

West African drummers at BBQ

Meanwhile, on the Balcón de Europa in Nerja…

drummer on the Balcon de Europa, Nerja