Always Time for a Cake

San Marcos

San Marcos is at the junction of calle Diputación and avda Castilla Perez in Nerja and was formerly Ortiz Cafeteria. And they do cakes!

chocolate cake at San Marcos cafeteria, Nerja
cake, San Marcos, Nerja

A few cakes to choose from in their cake cupboard and I went for this delightful looking multiple chocolate affair. Very nice. Service was good, cake was tasty and it was €4.90 for the (good-sized) slice and a coffee, so not bad. I know from an earlier visit that the coffee is €1.40, so that makes the cake €3.50. The coffee is HOT by the way.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.


Albi Urban Cafe is located on the Balcón de Europa, Nerja, and underwent a complete renovation recently. It is a terrace-only establishment. I would describe the service as ‘efficient’ more than anything else. Being generally busy at all times, it has to be.

I went for their chocolate cake (what a surprise) and a coffee and, strangely, it was my first visit for a cake.

Albi Urban Cafe, Nerja
Albi Urban Cafe

It is a prime location, right in what is considered to be the centre of town, with a view out over the Balcón de Europa. Very touristy, of course, and as a result, quite pricey all things considered. At least 50% more expensive than any other cake establishment I have visited. The cake itself was tasty, with several different textures, and was a reasonable portion. I do believe they actually make their own cakes, unlike some. However, €6.90 for cake (€4.90) and a coffee (€2.00) is a bit steep.

chocolate cake at Albi, Nerja

Rating: 3 out of 5.


Salvador is a bakery/patisserie at the junction of calle Granada and calle San Miguel and, apart from anything else, it has (IMHO) the best croissants in town. On the patisserie side, there are whole cakes and also slices available. Although ostensibly take-away, it does have a shelf and a couple of stools but can in no way be described as a ‘cafe’. There are bench seats about ten metres down the road where you can sit and have a cake (or two) and coffee.

Salvador cake, Nerja

I ‘ate in’ as it were, with a nice coffee and a (huge) slice of multi-chocolate cake – called Kinder + Chocolate I believe. Certainly very chocolatey! The cake is great value at €2.75 (used to be even better value at €1.75 but times have changed all round). Eating is fun as you get a wooden paddle – you also get one for the coffee – and it takes a bit of practice. Didn’t do any better using two paddles so went back to just the one.

Thoroughly recommend this place for cakes, bread, pastries and, of course, croissants.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

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