The Senegal Coucal
Lovely chestnut colouring on these birds
Ground and Sun Squirrels
Ground and Sun, not recipes but species
Gnarly, Nobbly and Knotted
All gnarled and nobbly, very nice
Ghost Crab
Pretty nifty little crabs if they sense danger
Silver Y Caterpillar
I have been curious about what critter has been eating the leaves of my pimiento plants
Strange not to see more of these wonderful birds considering their overall numbers
Not an illness, but a genus of flowering plants
Málaga Birding – Wetlands
The wetlands in Málaga city
Spanish Festoon
A very colourful butterfly found throughout Spain
Bug In A Tangle
In he came, but looking a bit peaky
Dew Diligence
Webs are great when covered in early morning dew