Pigeons Just Wanna Have Fun
QuickVid of pigeons having a bit of fun
Trunk Call
Twisty, gnarly and knotty – aesthetically pleasing
Black Redstart
The Black Redstart is a fairly common songbird and I see quite a few each day
Pink-backed Pelican
Another pelican, the smaller Pink-backed Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great when the sky is filled with these birds
European Serin
A very melodious and colourful bird
Lamenting the loss of some former regular visitors
Iberian Yellow Wagtail
One of several bird species that constantly wag their long tails or bob up and down
Broad-billed Roller
I only came across a solitary Broad-billed Roller and, as they often do, it was perched in a tree.
Most years there are groups of flamingoes that stop off at the mouth of the rio Guadalhorce in Málaga
Black-necked Grebe
These elegant birds are found in a variety of aquatic habitats across Eurasia, with their range extending from Western Europe to Asia.
Eurasian Hoopoe
Found throughout the diverse ecosystems of Europe, Asia, and North Africa, the Eurasian Hoopoe can be regularly seen in various areas of Nerja