Snakes, Spiders and Scorpions in Spain
There are some 13 species of snakes in Spain, of which 5 are venomous, although there are only 3-6 deaths from snakebites in Spain each year
Dangerous Marine Life in Spain
The Mediterranean, despite the high level of pollution, is home to a multitude of ‘wildlife’.
Processional Caterpillar
Processional Caterpillars, thaumetopoea pityocampa, are found throughout the warmer regions of Southern Europe
Avocado, Wild Asparagus and Figs
The avocado is widely cultivated throughout the world and the avocado tree is a common sight in almost every part of Andalucia
Trees and Wildflowers in Andalucia
Andalucia is home to a great variety of trees and wild flowers, including the Carob or Algarrobo tree
Red Colobus
I came across my first Red Colobus monkey, an endangered species, in Abuko forest in The Gambia
Snowy-crowned Robin-chat
Always love to see the Snowy-crowned Robin-chat, Cossypha niveicapilla