These two decided to give it a go on the Balcón de Europa and, being at the tail end of the ‘main’ summer season, there were no local leos in residence to wag the proverbial finger. They were quite impressive, very entertaining.

Since the eviction of the large number of parakeets from their homes in almost all of the palms on the Balcón de Europa, with the trees having been drastically ‘trimmed’, it had been quite quiet and I was thinking I had only seen a couple of the birds in recent times. There were always so many on the Balcón and you would often see small flocks all over town, but a rare occurrence lately.
I did see one the other day down by the river(?) but then yesterday I suddenly heard two or three in the palms on the Balcón. Didn’t see any, just heard them occasionally. Obviously keeping a low profile.
Still quite busy in Plaza Cavana…