Oak Grove Cemetery

Located on South Main Street in Lexington, Virginia, it began life as the Presbyterian Cemetery. In 1949, the cemetery was conveyed to the city and it was renamed as the Stonewall Jackson Memorial Cemetery after the Confederate general, who was buried there in 1863.

General Stonewall Jackson

Following the famous George Floyd incident and the subsequent protests, the Lexington City Council voted to change the name once again to the Oak Grove Cemetery.

The sculpture on the Jackson family plot is the work of sculptor Edward V Valentine and was given to the family in 1895.

Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson (January 21st 1824 – May 10th 1863) was a Confederate general who served during the American Civil War and is often considered to be one of the best tactical commanders in US history.

He was wounded on May 2nd 1863, at which time his left arm was amputated. Jackson died of pneumonia on May 10th 1863. Curiously, however, his arm was not buried in the family plot along with the rest of the body but at Ellwood Manor.