Arrr, me hearties, it sure is! Set yer sights on Nerja, a treasure trove o’ beauty in the land o’ Spain! If ye be plannin’ a day trip to this coastal gem, I’ll be spillin’ the beans on what ye should see and do, all in the spirit o’ a pirate’s tale!

The Caves o’ Nerja
Venture deep into the mysterious caverns, mateys! These legendary caves be holdin’ wondrous stalactites and stalagmites, sparklin’ like pieces o’ gold in the torchlight. Explore the vast chambers and imagine the tales they could tell!
Book your slot in advance and go early(ish) morning via bus, taxi or Wally Trolley. See the Eagle Aquaduct on the way. More info here Nerja Caves.
Balcony o’ Europe
‘Tis a grand vantage point, overlookin’ the endless sea. Stand tall on this promenade fit for a captain, surveyin’ the horizon and takin’ in the salty breeze. Be sure to raise yer spyglass, for ye might spot dolphins dancin’ in the waves!
Pose with the king and make a wish when standing on the centre of the viewpoint. More info here Balcón de Europa
Burriana Beach
Arrr, a day on the sandy shores be just what a pirate needs! Bask in the warm sun, swim in the crystal-clear waters, or try yer hand at water sports. And if ye be cravin’ a feast fit for a crew, the beach be lined with taverns servin’ up fresh seafood. More info here Beaches
Nerja Museum
Aye, ’tis a place to delve into the town’s history. Ye’ll find ancient artifacts and treasures on display, learnin’ ’bout the brave souls who sailed these waters before ye. The exhibits be like a map, guidin’ ye through the past.
Calahonda Beach
Make yer way down the steep steps to this smaller but popular beach right next to the Balcón de Europa. Hunt for seashells or simply relax under the swaying palm trees. More info here Beaches
Visit the ye olde Church of El Salvador
This is a beautiful church located in the heart of the Old Town. It was built in the 17th century and has an ornate Baroque interior. More info here iglesia El Salvador
Plaza Cavana
Rest yer peg legs in this lively square, where the heart o’ Nerja beats. Sip on some rum at a cozy tavern and watch the townsfolk go about their business. ‘Tis a fine spot for some people-watchin’! More info here Plazas
Eat like a Pirate
A pirate’s belly must never be empty! Feast on the local cuisine, mateys. Sink yer teeth into paella, tapas, or a hearty plate o’ fried fish. And let’s not forget the rum! Raise yer tankards high and toast to good company and a day well spent.
There are soooo many eateries of one sort or another in Nerja – over 300, so here are just a few suggestions: Tapas – La Puntilla (calle Bolivia), El Pulguilla (calle Cristo), Sevillano (calle Chaparil), Bilbainos (calle Alejandro Bueno), La Marina (Plaza la Marina). Meal – Bakus (calle Hernán de Carabeo), Pinocchio (calle Cristo), Salamandra (Plaza de España), Bamboo (Plaza Fabrica de los Cangrejos). Relaxing Coffee and snack – La Nube (Plaza Cantarero)
So there ye have it, me adventurous crew! Follow this pirate’s guide to Nerja, Spain, and ye shall have a day filled with treasures, tales, and memories to last a lifetime. Hoist the anchor and set sail for Nerja, arrr!