European Serin
A very melodious and colourful bird
Lamenting the loss of some former regular visitors
Golden Hour Nerja
‘Golden Hour’, as it is known, is a wonderful time of day for photos
Let Us Spray
Early morning cleaning on the Balcón de Europa, Nerja
Waiting For The Sun
Photos and a QuickVid of the sunrise on the Balcón de Europa this morning
Early Start
An early start to watch the sunrise on the Balcón de Europa, Nerja
QuickVid Saturday
Just a short video on the Balcón de Europa, Nerja, on Saturday
Khasi Ko Jhol
It was time to try out a home delivery from Goa Town as it has been a while since I sampled their delights.
QuickVid Mena Garden
A sudden impulse to grab a cold drink in relaxing surroundings and maybe a spot of lunch
Staring at the Sea
But there’s no cure for it…
Hot August Night
Good title for a song…
In the Shade
It be hot at the moment…