the gambia
Bug Time – Update
About an inch or so in length this guy
Common Wattle-eye
Just love those wattles
Drummers a-Drumming
And the beat goes on as drummers accompany a wrestling match
Blue-bellied Roller
What a wonderful surprise
Play Misty For Me
Do you want a spork or a foon?
The Senegal Coucal
Lovely chestnut colouring on these birds
Ground and Sun Squirrels
Ground and Sun, not recipes but species
West African Pied Hornbill
A new name for this magnificent bird
Donkey Time
I like donkeys, but always feel sorry for them
Mussel Hunters
In search of freshwater mussels on the riverbed
Hooded Vulture
A Hooded Vulture, one of nature’s clean-up squad
Great White Pelican
Great when the sky is filled with these birds