Where the Bugs are

Anticipating a cooler day, as it had been the day before, I donned a light jacket for my wander along the riverbank – mistake, it was ‘boil in a bag’ time. Fortunately, many others had obviously made the same (wrong) assumption so I was not alone.

Plenty of little fellas out and about – sparrows, wagtails, Sardinian warblers, blackcap, black redstart and goldfinch plus a few blackbirds and spotless starlings.

For a while, this bare tree was a hive of activity, with birds coming and going almost constantly. Seems it was where the bugs were.

spotless starling with bug
bird in tree
sparrow, Nerja
sparrow on twig, Nerja
sparrow on twig
sparrow, Nerja
bug time
rio Chillar view

As usual, had to avoid being caught out by the raging torrent…

rio Chillar, Nerja